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The last all-staff meeting of spring semester happened on Wednesday, April 26th, and a few major announcements were made:

1. Congratulations are in order many faculty members!  First, Amelia Gibson and Cal Lee were awarded IMLS grants. Amelia Gibson was awarded an IMLS Career Award, and Cal Lee was awarded an IMLS grant. Zeynep Tufecki published a book, Rob Capra and Jaime Arguello won the Best Paper Award at the ECIR conference, and Amelia Gibson had a paper published in LISR. Additionally, Rob Capra was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. Congratulations to them all!

2. There have been a few updates with International Programs. Three summer seminar sessions are fast approaching with the first session starting on May 20th. Students will be able to visit a variety of companies while abroad, including tours from some UNC alums. Kaitlyn Murphy is working on developing more international opportunities and internships for students and she is also working on the CRADLE seminars for the fall.

3. SILS will continue to search for new faculty in the coming year, so be on the lookout for ways to participate! Students will invited to attend presentations and more casual meetings with faculty members, so make sure to come and be involved in the hiring process!

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