About the Directory
The ILSSA Student Directory is a student-led project to help students get to know other students and connect based on similar interests in the field. Participation in this resource is not mandatory, but we encourage participation by all those willing to share some basic information.
Based on feedback and questions we’ve received, we developed this page to explain how we use your information and where it is stored and how you can make changes to your submission. If your question isn’t addressed below, please don’t hesitate to contact us at ilssa@unc.edu.
Editing Your Entry
You may edit your entry by clicking the small “edit” link under your information on your particular directory entry and logging in with your Onyen. Note that the student organizations and LIS interests are shown in small boxes to the right, not in the main box of the data fields. Also, the “title” field at the top is your display name.
Background Information and Data Privacy
Data Storage
The ILSSA website and the student directory is hosted by the web-dot-unc WordPress multisite network. The custom features are developed using the WP Toolset family of plugins (Types and Views) and the initial submission form is powered by Gravity Forms. The web-dot-unc platform is developed by UNC’s ITS Digital Services group who ensures the security and stability of the network and regulates the specific plugins that can be used. Further information about this platform is available at web.unc.edu.
The directory also makes use of a custom plugin developed for the web-dot-unc platform that requires authentication via Onyen in order to browse the directory. This means that to browse you must have an active affiliation with UNC as a student, staff or faculty member in any department. We instituted this so that we’d limit the availability information from random browsers, but ensure the resource is available to the UNC community. However, this platform is still a website and we can’t directly control or monitor how the information may be used by those with access. We encourage you to review the information in the privacy section below if you have concerns. Full edit access to your information is only accessible to current ILSSA officers and you, based on your Onyen.
The student directory asks for different pieces of information. In general, most fields are optional. We encourage everyone to complete them all to enhance the usefulness of the directory. However, you should consider your own comfort level and individual situation when making the decision on what information to include.
Required Fields
Several fields are required to submit a directory entry. The required fields are listed below with brief explanations about why we have made this information required. All of the required fields are considered “directory” or public information that in general the University will release to the general public upon request and without your direct approval. However, if you have invoked additional privacy restrictions under FERPA on your student records at UNC because of your personal situation, we recommend that you decline to participate in the student directory.
PID: The UNC PID was created to avoid the university from having to use a sensitive number like your social security number as a unique identifier. The PID is used in the studentlife.unc.edu portal to track attendance at events and is generally considered public, campus directory information. We ask for the PID to allow us to cross-reference your directory entry to other systems at UNC, and for future compatibility with new information systems SILS may develop.
First Name, Last Name & Display Name: These fields are required to identify you in the directory. We ask for separate values to allow alphabetical sorting. The display name is in a sense the “title” of your directory page and may include middle initials and names or suffixes. Your name is typically considered public record.
Gender Pronouns: While the university doesn’t currently include this information on the directory, we think they should! We ask everyone to include the pronouns they use so that we can help create an inclusive environment for those of all gender identities and expressions.
UNC Email: We ask for this so that we can contact you regarding your entry and so that your classmates can contact you. Again, like the PID, this is generally considered public record. The general public can find your email in the public campus directory.
Program & Graduation Year: Your program of study is needed to help fellow students learn about your interests and is typically considered public record. Year of anticipated graduation is not listed in the campus directory, but it is required so we can categorize the directory and allow it to grow in future years and automatically determine who is a current student or alumni.
Library & Information Science Interests: We ask this to allow you and other students to discover others with similar interests. While this information is not part of the campus directory, most departments and schools on campus make this information available on their website listings of students.