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Please fill out the 2017 SILS Peer Mentoring Program Survey to express interest in being a Peer Mentor! As a Peer Mentor, you will be matched up with an incoming SILS student so that you can help answer any questions they might have, or share your own experiences with them. Please note that being a Peer Mentor requires some time and effort. While ILSSA will help to provide some guidance on how to peer mentor successfully, this program will be largely self-determined by you and your mentee. So please keep thatin mind as you sign up!

Note: Filling out the survey is NOT a hard commitment – you are more than welcome to change your mind later on should your priorities change. This is more a way for us to gauge interest for planning purposes!

Please fill out this survey by June 6th, 2017! If you have any questions, please contact Amelea Kim ( or Alyssa Spoonts (


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