Community Development (Social) Co-chair , Information and Library Science Student AssociationAbout the Candidate and Platform

Hey, friends! My name is Carmen, and I would be thrilled to be elected as one of your new ILSSA Social Co-Chairs. I’m a first-year LS student with way too many interests to know what I want to do yet (academic? youth services? digital libraries?), but so far I have been loving my time at SILS. I previously earned my B.A. in English and Classics from the University of Florida and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Johns Hopkins; I’ve also worked in publishing and taught undergraduate creative writing. In my free time, I enjoy reading and writing, grabbing a beer or coffee, playing games, petting dogs, and exploring the great outdoors.
SILS has been such a friendly and welcoming place for me already, and I’d really like to be a part of perpetuating that community. I love meeting new people, discovering new places around Chapel Hill, and finding ways to have a good time while we all work so hard! Although I just moved down from Baltimore in May, I’ve actually spent a lot of time in the Triangle over the past few years, so I’m familiar with the area and the many exciting opportunities it has to offer. I currently work in the SILS Library (I am pretty much ALWAYS around to say hi!), and I have prior experience with event planning, including assisting with the recent SILS Harry Potter Night, SILS Fireside Chat, and ILSSA Bake Sale. I also have a weird obsession with making posters. ☺
As Social Co-Chair, I would be interested in planning a variety of activities throughout the larger Triangle area, such as Durham, Cary, and Raleigh — in addition, of course, to Chapel Hill! I’d also like to expand the types of social activities we offer, perhaps incorporating more professional-development resources, recreational volunteering, and group excursions. Most importantly, though: I’d like to learn what YOU want to do, and how we can make SILS a supportive and inclusive place for everyone!