Vice President & Communications Chair, Coalition of Youth LibrariansAbout the Candidate and Platform

Hey everyone! My name is Brittany Norwood. I know I’m rather unfamiliar to this group, but I believe that my research interests, personality, and work habits would make me a great match for this position and organization. In addition to being dedicated, organized, determined to set and meet my own deadlines, and able to communicate professionally and personably with others, I truly believe in the mission of this program. On top of being a truly quirky bibliophile, I am also someone who would love to research the reading habits of children, youth, and young adults, display my creativity in my work (side note: I was a high school yearbook editor and I seriously love to design and format various projects), and interact with diverse youth in this pivotal time in their life, I feel that I would be an excellent fit for this position. P.S., I seriously just recreated my old, deleted Facebook page on the chance that I might be elected, so I do mean it when I say dedicated. I know I’m very new and relatively unfamiliar within this organization, but I strongly believe that my passion for this organization’s mission would make me an excellent candidate for the Vice President position.